Marine Stations
Wind, Wave, Swell and Temperature Data
Station 46206 - La Perouse Bank
March 14, 2025 5:00 am PDT
Location: 48.84N 126W
Wind Direction: SE (130°)
Wind Speed: 21.4 knots
Wind Gust: 25.3 knots
Significant Wave Height: 7.5 ft
Dominant Wave Period: 9 sec
Atmospheric Pressure: 29.47 in (998.0 mb)
Pressure Tendency: -0.04 in (-1.3 mb)
Air Temperature: 46.8°F (8.2°C)
Water Temperature: 46.2°F (7.9°C)
Marine Weather - Environment Canada
Aviation Weather - Tofino Airport (CYAZ)
Tidal Prediction and Lunar Phase
Infrared - North Pacific
Infrared - West Coast
Ocean Swell - Wave Height
Latest Earthquake and Tsunami Event